Mastering the 72-Second Rule: How to Stay on Track in Your Exam

72 seconds. That’s all you have to tackle each question when facing 100 questions in a two-hour exam. Sounds tight, right? Don’t worry! With a little bit of strategy (and a dash of humour), you can make those 72 seconds work for you like a pro.

1. Don’t Overthink It – Trust Your Gut

The truth is, your first instinct is often right. If you’ve studied well, your brain knows more than you give it credit for! Instead of spending too long agonising over each option, trust yourself and move on. Remember, the exam isn’t about perfection—it’s about getting through all the questions in time. So, make a choice and keep going!

2. Mark, Don’t Marinate

If you hit a tough question that stumps you, don’t sit there marinating in confusion. That’s precious time ticking away! Instead, mark the question, move on, and come back to it later if you have time. This way, you’ll keep your momentum and avoid losing time on one tricky question. Think of it as “putting it on hold”—like a phone call you don’t want to take right now!

3. Skip the Drama, Keep It Simple

While it’s tempting to dive into deep analysis (Is this answer really right? What if it’s a trick?), this isn’t the time to play detective. Stick to what you know—if it looks right, it probably is. Keep it simple, and avoid turning each question into a Sherlock Holmes-level investigation. You don’t have the time for that!

4. Stay Cool, Stay Quick

Nerves can slow you down. You might find yourself double-checking every word of the question. But at 72 seconds per question, there’s no room for perfectionism. Take a deep breath, scan the question, and move confidently through the answers. Stay cool, and think of it as a game—how many questions can you tackle without getting stuck?

5. Don’t Rush, Just Pace

Now, 72 seconds per question doesn’t mean you need to sprint. It’s about keeping a steady pace. Think of it like a jog, not a sprint—you’re aiming for consistency, not speed. Use the clock wisely and keep an eye on your progress without letting it stress you out.

6. Practice Makes Perfect Timing

Finally, practice answering questions within this timeframe ahead of the exam. Use online platforms like Best Answers to time yourself. When you get comfortable with the rhythm of 72 seconds, it will feel natural on exam day. The more you practice, the better you’ll get at knowing when to make a decision and move on.

Ready, Set, 72!

Remember, you’ve got this! Stay calm, keep an eye on the clock, and tackle each question with confidence. And if all else fails, remember: 72 seconds is still more time than it takes to brew a cup of coffee, so you’ve got plenty of time to make it through!


